The IT Support Service is available at the weekly vision support centres via an appointment.
In recent years, many services have gone online - often accompanied by a reduction in front line staff to save money. For visually impaired people this can make accessing services more difficult. However, we believe that new digital technology can be inclusive and empowering and make a positive impact on your life.
The IT Support Service is there to
- help you keep your independence.
- stay connected with your friends and family.
- help you with apps that enhance your life.
We will give you the chance to try out a selection of smart devices, aimed at people with sight loss, to identify the one that best suits your level of vision; the type of information or services you want; and, which ones match your price range.

How we can help
An IT appointment at your local Vision Support Centre is a one to one bespoke service to assist you with your existing technology. To adjust accessibility settings, install apps or help with an update.
Ad hoc support may also be available over the phone or online.
To gain maximum benefit from this service, you will need your own digital device and have Internet access.
Get in touch
If you are interested in registering for the Interactive Technology Service please call Warwickshire Vision Support on 01926411331.