Supporting people living with sight loss since 1911
How we help
Warwickshire Vision Support, formerly known as Warwickshire Association for the Blind, has been supporting visually impaired people for over a century. Today the charity and its 150 plus volunteers run 7 social clubs offering activities and social support; host 11 vision support centres and 4 eye clinic advice desks providing information, advice and guidance to people coming to terms with sight loss; operate a telephone befriending service helping to address issues of social isolation; as well as delivering IT training to enable people to maintain their independence and exercise their rights.
Get in touch
If you would like to join one of our services, please call 01926411331 or complete our contact form.
Support us
There are a few ways for you to get involved and help our cause
With more than 150 individuals regularly committing their time and skills, we are able to provide a comprehensive service.

You can make a one off donation in person at one of our support centres, or use one of the alternative options to contribute online.
You can support Warwickshire Vision Support in many ways. Learn more about all the ways you can contribute.
Who we are
Formerly known as Warwickshire Association for the Blind, Warwickshire Vision Support is the primary provider of charitable and rehabilitation services for people living with sight loss in Warwickshire.
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