
How We Can Help

Club entertainment

How we can help

Warwickshire Vision Support is proud to have supported visually impaired people across the whole of the county for over a century. We offer a range of services and activities to support people with visual impairment with the vital help of our dedicated volunteers.

If you are interested in any of these services please contact us on 01926 411311 or you can email us at [email protected] and we can provide you with further information.


Hospital Eye Clinic Advice Service (ECLO)

Based at Eye Clinics in three Warwickshire hospitals. This provides a first point of contact and immediate support for those newly diagnosed with an eye condition causing sight loss.


Interactive Technology Service

Using the latest accessibility features on phones, computers and laptops, for shopping, finances, appointments and for social contact. We provide 1:1 training and demonstrate a range of smart devices designed for people with sight loss, offering an opportunity to try before you buy.


Telephone Befriending Service

For isolated people wanting a friendly call from one of our brilliant volunteers.


10 Clubs

Providing activities and entertainment, as well as an opportunity to make friends and benefit from the peer support of other people experiencing and managing sight loss. Some clubs are able to offer subsidised transport for members.


11 Vision Support Centres

These are run in accessible community venues and provide access to peer support, low vision aids, advice and information. We have weekly support centres in Leamington Spa, Nuneaton, Rugby and Stratford upon Avon, and monthly centres in Alcester, Atherstone, Bedworth, Coleshill, Kenilworth, Shipston-on-Stour and Southam. We can help with door-to-door transport for those on low incomes.


Rehabilitation Services

Helping keep people safe, confident and independent in their homes and in the community, using magnifiers, mobility aids and assistive technology.



Advocacy is the act of speaking on the behalf of or in support of another person, place, or thing. See what issues we have been involved in.


Home Visitor Service

For isolated people who would benefit from a reading service from one of our brilliant volunteers.

Referral Form

Online referral form to refer into Warwickshire Vision Support.

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